

“…Evergreen trees were important fertility emblems for pre-Christian ceremonies marking the winter solstice. People from ancient societies believed that by decorating their homes and temples with evergreen plants, such as holly, ivy and mistletoe, they were helping to carry the diminished sun through a critical period. . . . Mistletoe was the most sacred plant of the Druids. . . . [It] was given great reverence . . . because it grows on the venerated oak. The custom of kissing under the mistletoe comes from the ancient idea that mistletoe is the oak’s genitals. And so it was believed that an embrace under its glistening berries was sure guarantee of a fruitful union. . . . The decoration of Christmas trees is a survival of pagan tree veneration. . . . For centuries before Christianity, holly was . . . used . . . for celebrating their midwinter Saturnalia…”

Dallas Morning News (December 6, 1986)


The Celts of the British Isles and Gaul believed the Holly King ruled over winter and death.
Pagan Yule: Christmas Plants Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe: Traditional Yuletide Symbols
by Jill Stefko


Ancient pagans fashioned ivy “into wreaths and garlands for decorations during the winter months.” Ivy had close ties with the Roman god of wine, Bacchus (The derivative of Saturn).  Holly, meanwhile, figured prominently in the Roman celebration of the Saturnalia (upon which the Christmas holiday was directly modeled), as it was considered sacred to the god Saturn. Among the Celts, holly played a major role in summer and winter pagan solstice observances.
“The Green Mountain Gardener”
Dr. Leonard Perry

Holly and other evergreens were subsequently adopted by common Christians as Christmas decorations in Roman times. This, despite protests from disapproving Church Fathers, who regarded the decorations as “too pagan.”
Such protests notwithstanding, evergreen decorations were well on their way to becoming Christmas institutions, symbols of the pagan past co-opted by the new religion.
“The Green Mountain Gardener”
Dr. Leonard Perry

Holly was the sacred plant of the god Saturn and was used at the Roman Saturnalia festival to honour him. Romans gave one another holly wreaths and carried them about decorating images of Saturn with it.
All About Christmas – Mistletoe and Holly

The Saturnalia (which means ‘sun-stop’) is the week-long pagan festival of the winter solstice which began on December the 17th as the sun was seen to be rising further to the south and thought of as “dying”. By December the 25th, the ancient world’s solstice, it could be recognized as beginning to turn northwards again and was said to be “re-born” and therefore was proclaimed to be the birthday of the sun-deity.”

“All of the known sun-deities were ‘born’ on December the 25th, these include Mithra, Krishna (Vishnu), Osiris, Horus, Hercules, Dionysus (Bacchus), Tammuz, Indra, Jesus Christ (via the Catholic church), Buddha as well as the Scandinavian goddesses.”

Aryan Sun Myths, The Origins of Religion
– S.E. Titcombe

Behind all Pagan deity worship stands Satan himself. He accepts honor in whatever name we wish to call him; Baal, Moloch, Marduk, Venus, Odin, Krishna, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Zeus, Amon-Ra, Mithras, Ahura-Mazda, Dagon — male or female, it matters not. The most important day in the life of any satan worshipper is their annual birthday.”

For roughly 4,000 years, the SOLSTICE has been — by proxy — the day of Satan’s birthday celebration (because he is the designer of the original astrological religious pattern), and deceived mankind to cause them to worship the sun.”

Nimrod, grandson of Ham, son of Noah, was the real founder of the Babylonian system that has gripped the world ever since. Nimrod built the tower of Babel, the original Babylon, ancient Nineveh, and many other cities. He organized this world’s first kingdom. The name Nimrod, in Hebrew, maybe derived from “Marad’ meaning, “he rebelled.” (Gen. 10: 6,8-12)

Nimrod was known as the god of the Chaldean Mysteries. In the Chaldean mysteries, the Babylonian dictator Nimrod was deified as Saturn. Satan and Saturn are the same words, one ‘Early Latin’, and the other ‘Late Latin’… His birthday was celebrated on December 25th or the Saturnalia. Saturn and Mystery are both chaldean words, and they are correlative terms. As Mystery signifies the hidden system, so Saturn signifies the hidden god.
Hebrew Roots – The Neglected Commandments

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honor of the deity Saturn, held on the 17th of December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to the 23rd of December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves…Saturnalia is a festival of light leading to the winter solstice, with the abundant presence of candles symbolizing the quest for knowledge and truth…celebrated in the later Roman Empire at the Dies Natalis of Sol Invictus, the “Birthday of the Unconquerable Sun,” on December 25…Role-playing was implicit in the Saturnalia’s status reversals, and there are hints of mask-wearing or “guising”…Rampant overeating and drunkenness became the rule, and a sober person the exception…Children received toys as gifts…In a practice that might be compared to modern greeting cards, verses sometimes accompanied the gifts…candles were a substitute offering (in lieu of human sacrifice) to Saturn for the light of life
— Saturnalia, on Wikipedia

Holiday part and note the theme/attire

Holiday party and note the theme/attire

The Saturnalia was named for Saturn, otherwise known as Cronus. Cronus is an alias for Tammuz. Tammuz was Nimrod reborn – alias, his son. His wife and mother was Rhea (Semiramis). Egyptian and Babylonian antiquities recognize his mother as Semiramis, and his birthday is celebrated on 25th December. Semiramis was depicted as a virgin Madonna holding the “Christ” child.

The Saturnalia, therefore, was just another observance for Tammuz/Nimrod, the Babylonian, counterfeit redeemer.”

Hebrew Roots – the Neglected Commandments

As a Christian, you have to understand that Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, and separate the two in your mind and heart.  Jesus Christ the Messiah is real, Christmas is nothing more than a deception by the Father of Lies, Satan, who originated and passed this lie down through history with the first AntiChrist, Nimrod.

In the following video, pay close attention to reference of the berries being the male genitalia: